Consultation & Care Advice £175

If you are taking the first steps into navigating the care and support sector for older people, either for a family member or for yourself, and are not sure where to start or what questions to ask, we can provide you with some initial advice and information.

Included in Fee

  • A pre-booked consultation (Telephone/Zoom/Skype) to establish your needs, requirements and wishes and offer advice to enable you to consider the most appropriate services.
  • Provide information on funding and benefits, including Attendance Allowance, Continuing Health Care Contribution (CHC) and Full Nursing Contribution (FNC).
  • Provide a copy of our “What to Look for When Assessing Care Providers” checklist.
Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Our Promise

We will…

  • Listen to you
  • Support you
  • Be there when you can’t be
  • Provide independent information and advice
  • Ensure your rights, views and wishes are respected

We won’t…

  • Doubt you or your desired outcome
  • Try to influence you or make your decision for you
  • Try to persuade you to do what others wish you to do
  • Speak when you want to speak for yourself
  • Accept any offer that might compromise our independence

Other Support Packages

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation, Care Advice & Research Package £450

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Ongoing Monthly Support Package £99 to £250

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Attendance Allowance Application £399

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