Attendance Allowance Application Service (£399)

Attendance Allowance is extra money you can claim if you have a long-term disability or condition.

You may be able to claim if you need help with personal support or supervision to keep you safe.

Personal support includes getting dressed, shopping, washing, eating, going to the toilet, getting in and out of bed and taking medication.

Supervision means you need someone to watch over you because you could cause harm to yourself or others around you.

For example, it could be that you forget to take your medication or have seizures or falls. It doesn’t matter whether you are receiving this help or supervision – it is the need for help that matters.

Who can get Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is for people over the age of State Pension.

You may be eligible for an Attendance Allowance if all of the following apply:

  1. You have reached the State Pension age.
  2. You have a long-term disability or condition.
  3. You have needed frequent help with personal care or supervision because of your disability for at least six months.

N.B. If you are terminally ill, you can immediately claim an Attendance Allowance at the higher rate.

It isn’t just for people with a physical disability or illness. Mental health issues, cognitive impairments such as dementia, and sensory conditions such as sight or hearing loss are also included.

Attendance Allowance isn’t means-tested, so your income and savings aren’t taken Into account

How much could I get?

There are two weekly rates:

  • £72.65 if you need help either during the day or at night
  • £108.55 if you need help both during the day and night or if you are terminally ill.

(These rates apply from April 2024 – April 2025)


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We can do the forms for you!

If you are awarded an attendance allowance, you may become eligible to receive means-tested benefits you couldn’t claim before, such as pension credit, housing benefits, or council tax support.

If you already receive these benefits, the amount you will get may increase.

Getting an Attendance Allowance can entitle you to other help, such as a Blue Badge that lets you park closer to where you need to go and a Disabled Person’s Railcard that gives you and a friend money off train fares.

You do not have to spend your Attendance Allowance on a care worker – you can spend it however you want. Many people spend it on things that make life easier, like taxis, fuel bills, someone to do their washing and ironing or a cleaner.

Common Queries

Q. I think my income and savings must be too high.
A. Attendance Allowance is based purely on your care or supervision needs. It doesn’t matter what your income or savings are.

Q. I don’t have anyone helping me at the moment.
A. You don’t need to have a carer to qualify. Your claim is based on the help you need, not what you’re getting.

Q. I don’t want a carer coming into my home.
A. You don’t have to spend your extra money on a carer. You can spend your Attendance Allowance however you want.

Q. I don’t have a diagnosis of any particular illness.
A. You don’t need one to apply. You can claim if you’ve needed help or supervision for at least six months.

Q. I am sure I will be turned down
A. Three out of four claims are accepted the first time, so you stand a good chance of being awarded an Attendance Allowance if you meet the eligibility criteria.

How can we help you?

We can help you by checking that you are likely to meet the required criteria, gathering all the necessary information, completing the application form and submitting it.

We do charge for this service. Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Alternatively, you can get a claim form and complete it yourself by calling the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 7310122.

You can also download a form from here –

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Our Promise

We will…

  • Listen to you
  • Support you
  • Be there when you can’t be
  • Provide independent information and advice
  • Ensure your rights, views and wishes are respected

We won’t…

  • Doubt you or your desired outcome
  • Try to influence you or make your decision for you
  • Try to persuade you to do what others wish you to do
  • Speak when you want to speak for yourself
  • Accept any offer that might compromise our independence

Other Support Packages

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation & Care Advice £175

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation, Care Advice & Research Package £450

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Ongoing Monthly Support Package £99 to £250

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