Care advice and help for you and your family

At Sunrise Care Advisers, we enable families to balance demanding careers, family life and ‘me time’ by supporting elderly relatives during these challenging times. We provide practical help, advice and information to support you when you’re trying to understand and manage health, care and financial issues involving the NHS, Social Services and other service providers. We can help you find suitable care services for a loved one within their home (domiciliary care) or within a residential setting (independent living or a care home).

  • Are you trying to balance a demanding career, family life, and ‘me time’ with supporting elderly relatives, who have increasing care needs and who may not live nearby? We’ve helped a local Leicestershire family with care home research for an older relative, who lived on the South Coast and needed to sell their house. This included telephone calls to check bed availability and suitability, shortlisting properties and providing funding advice.
  • Are you finding the social care system including funding options difficult to navigate? A father had social care needs that entitled him to Attendance Allowance. His children were working full time and were overwhelmed by the relating 46-page application, which needed completing. We gathered all the relevant information, completed and returned this document on their behalf, which resulted in their father being awarded the Higher Rate of £85.60 per week. The family’s response: “Thank you so much – if it had been left to us it would still be sitting on the kitchen table”
  • Not sure where to start when it comes to looking for care, or how to assess care providers in the home or in a residential setting? We’ve helped an elderly lady living alone with serious mobility problems. As her family lived some distance away, they were unable to visit very often, and her home had become very cluttered and untidy. We completed and applied for the Attendance Allowance on her behalf, and she was awarded the Higher Rate of £85.60 per week. We arranged for someone to declutter and tidy her property, along with ongoing cleaning support.
  • Are you struggling to get your loved one’s voice heard, as well as your family’s wishes respected and acted upon? We’ve helped an elderly couple living in a care home, as they wanted to stay together. When the husband needed extra care and was admitted to hospital, his wife was not properly informed, and their care home refused her husband’s return, saying his needs had increased. Within 24 hours of becoming involved, we had contacted the hospital and arranged meetings between the wife, consultant and ward sister.
  • Would you like an independent observer to be present during meetings between your loved one and professionals when you can’t be there? We’ve sourced providers of care in the home (domiciliary) on behalf of adult children, living two hours away from their father who has dementia. Working full time and with young families or their own, they needed representation at “Best Interest Meetings” with social services, attendance at the father’s home for care assessments, and we produced a shortlist of providers.

At Sunrise Care Advisers, we’re dedicated when it comes to helping families and their loved ones remain in control of their care choices. We can help by attending meetings with local authorities, the NHS or professional firms on your behalf, taking notes, creating reports and providing detailed research on care options and providers, so you can make informed choices about your loved one’s future.

To find out more about our care advice services for families and elderly relatives, please call 0116 430 0230 or email:


Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.
Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Our Promise

We will…

  • Listen to you
  • Support you
  • Be there when you can’t be
  • Provide independent information and advice
  • Ensure your rights, views and wishes are respected

We won’t…

  • Doubt you or your desired outcome
  • Try to influence you or make your decision for you
  • Try to persuade you to do what others wish you to do
  • Speak when you want to speak for yourself
  • Accept any offer that might compromise our independence

Our Care Support Packages

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation & Care Advice £175

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation, Care Advice & Research Package £450

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Ongoing Monthly Support Package £99 to £250

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Attendance Allowance Application £399

Do bear in mind that we will always be flexible to ensure that you get the best possible advice and support. We are happy to have an initial telephone conversation to help you identify which package will be suitable for you.

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