Alice is an 80 year old lady…
who is a widow and does not have family living nearby. She is very independent and socially active and although she has good friends they are mostly of a similar age. She has mobility difficulties and impaired sight due to Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Alice has regular visits during the year to the hospital and her GP. She and her family had recently become aware that she didn’t always clearly remember what was said or done during these visits. Because her family couldn’t always attend with her they approached Sunrise Home Support to see if we could attend with Alice on occasions to take notes and do a written report. We do this and then give a copy to Alice and (with her approval) send a copy to her family.
Jack is 86 and a widower…
He currently lives some distance from his family who live in Leicestershire. He is 86 and had decided that although still pretty fit and healthy he would like to move nearer to them. There were a couple of Market Towns he liked the look of and he wanted more information on what properties there were available that would suit him. His family are busy with work and children and he didn’t want to bother them asking them to do research into available options. He wanted these options to include retirement properties, bungalows and assisted living properties. He then intended to set up appointments to look at those that interested him with his family. Sunrise Home support was able to do this research for him and provided the information he required.
Helen is 82 and has recently been widowed…
Helen was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of administration that needed doing. Like many couples of their ages she and her husband had split the household responsibilities with him managing the finances and Helen the home and family. During the last few years when he was unwell some of the finance side had been left and so when he died there was a backlog of issues to sort out. An additional problem was that Helen has AMD so reading documents was not easy for her. Sunrise Business Support was able to help Helen by providing practical support reading and sorting documents and paperwork and also putting her in contact with a local solicitor and Independent Financial Advisor that we knew and trusted who were able to assist her in dealing with these matters.