Helping YOU with support for your client and their family

Are you a Care Agency, Solicitor, Estate Planner, Will Writer, Accountant or Financial Adviser looking for support for your client?

Are you a professional service provider with a client that would benefit by having extra support from an independent care adviser? We can help your client and their family by guiding them through the complexities of the current health care and social care systems.

  • Do they have no family member or friend living close by who can accompany them to meetings with professionals?
  • Do you have clients that you are now being asked to support through the complexities of health care, social services and/or care agencies?
  • Are you being asked to support or advise your clients in areas that are not necessarily within your competency, or do you lack the time to spend on such matters?
  • Are you concerned they might not be getting the right advice and information to understand all available options, which could be preventing them from making the best decisions about their future?

We have experienced, independent care advisers who fully understand how difficult it can be to navigate the different care systems. We will help to support your client and their families by providing information and advice, so they regain a feeling of control to choose the best options for their future well-being. We offer a variety of support options from simple telephone advice to fully accompanied visits (please see What We offer/Our Support for more information). In addition, we can attend meetings with your client for or on your behalf and carry out research to ensure they (and you) are getting accurate and clear information.

If you’re working with a person you feel might benefit from independent advocacy support, then please contact us for a FREE no obligation discussion by calling 01164 300 2309 or email:

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Our Promise

We will…

  • Listen to you
  • Support you
  • Be there when you can’t be
  • Provide independent information and advice
  • Ensure your rights, views and wishes are respected

We won’t…

  • Doubt you or your desired outcome
  • Try to influence you or make your decision for you
  • Try to persuade you to do what others wish you to do
  • Speak when you want to speak for yourself
  • Accept any offer that might compromise our independence

Our Care Support Packages

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation & Care Advice £175

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Consultation, Care Advice & Research Package £450

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Ongoing Monthly Support Package £99 to £250

Sunrise Care Advisers provides support and care advice to help you navigate through the care system, so you can manage the care needs of elderly relatives.

Attendance Allowance Application £399

Do bear in mind that we will always be flexible to ensure that you get the best possible advice and support. We are happy to have an initial telephone conversation to help you identify which package will be suitable for you.

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